Module Junit.Testsuite

Contains the results of executing a testsuite.

type t
val make : ?package:string -> ?timestamp:Ptime.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?system_out:string -> ?system_err:string -> name:string -> unit -> t

make ?package ?timestamp ?hostname ?system_out ?system_err ~name () creates a testsuite.


  • parameter package

    Derived from the testsuite name in the non-aggregated documents.

  • parameter timestamp

    When the test was executed. Timezone may not be specified. Uses the current time by default.

  • parameter hostname

    Host on which the tests were executed. Uses localhost by default.

  • parameter system_out

    Data that was written to standard out while the test was executed.

  • parameter system_err

    Data that was written to standard error while the test was executed.

  • parameter name

    Full class name of the test for non-aggregated testsuite documents. Class name without the package for aggregated testsuites documents.

val add_testcases : Testcase.t list -> t -> t
val add_properties : Property.t list -> t -> t