Module Junit_alcotest

Interface to product JUnit reports for Alcotest

It tries to provide a layer as thin as possible on top of Alcotest to allow to port existing test without writing a lot a boilerplate.

val wrap_test : ?classname:string -> (Junit.Testcase.t -> unit) -> unit Alcotest.test_case -> unit Alcotest.test_case

wrap_test handle_result test_cases wraps test cases to create Junit testcases and pass them to handle_result.

Can be used with to create customized Junit testsuites if the output of run_and_report is not as expected.

  • parameter classname

    will populate the 'classname' attribute for the test case. For best hierarchic rendering in Jenkins, it should contain a period. For example, "" will be rendered a package "" that contains a class "baz", which contains the current test case and others. Defaults to the name of the test case.

type exit = unit -> unit

exit () exits with appropriate code if run_and_report's and_exit was true or raise Alcotest.Test_error in case of error.

val run_and_report : (?package:string -> ?timestamp:Ptime.t -> ?argv:string array -> string -> (string * unit Alcotest.test_case list) list -> Junit.Testsuite.t * exit) Alcotest.with_options

run_and_report name tests is a wrapper around and wrap_test. It runs the tests and creates a Junit testsuite from the results.

As is always called with and_exit = false to be able to produce a report, the behavior is emulated by the returned exit function.

The optional argument and_exit controls what happens when the exit function is called. By default, and_exit is set, which makes the function exit with 0 if everything is fine or 1 if there is an issue. If and_exit is false, then the function raises Test_error on error.

?argv is forwarded to run. ?package and ?timestamp are forwarded to Junit.Testsuite.make.